Warning signs of Epilepsy – Know the Fir Aid Options

Emergency treatment for epileptic seizures
Assess the circumstance — would they say they are at risk for harming themselves? Expel any close by objects that could cause damage
Cushion their head (with a jumper, for instance) to shield them from head damage
Time Check the time — if the yanking keeps going longer than five minutes you should call a rescue vehicle
ID card check — it might give you data about the individual’s seizures and what to do
Over Once the jolting has halted, put them on their side. Remain with them and console remarkably round
Never limit the individual, put something in their mouth or attempt to give them nourishment or drink
Tonic-clonic seizures (used to be called ‘fabulous mal’) The individual goes firm, loses awareness, tumbles to the floor and starts to yank or shake. They may look somewhat blue around their mouth from sporadic relaxing. Tonic-clonic seizures can last a couple of moments. A tonic-clonic seizure is the seizure you are well on the way to run over. There are numerous others. Visit epilepsy.org.uk to discover more. Neurologist in Kachiguda.
Call a rescue vehicle if:
• You realize it is an individual’s first seizure or
• The seizure goes on for over five minutes or
• One seizure seems to follow another without the individual picking up awareness in the middle of or
• The individual is harmed or Neurologist in Kphb.