Be Aware of these Cautious Monsoon Illnesses

be aware of these cautious monsoon illnesses

The world is still dealing with numerous variants of coronavirus, we in India have disregarded the extensively wanted season of climate process. The season in which the earth is filled with greenery everywhere, couples enjoy this season the most, kids love playing outdoors in season and the farmers are the happiest being on the planet. Any guesses? Yes, the monsoon season it is.

We know we love this season as it brings positive and serene vibes. But little did we know there is a negative side too of this season. The monsoon season along with pleasure brings myriad ailments due to tainted water as well as various virions.

However, the monsoon also brings along numerous diseases every year due to harmful viruses. The humid climate, heavy rains, and windy environment may predispose many infectious diseases. Stagnant pools of flood, water serve as ideal breeding grounds for pathogens that result in diarrhea, mosquito-borne, and other waterborne infections. In this blog, we have tried to cover up all the common monsoon illnesses and useful tips to prevent them.

The common illnesses during the monsoon season are: 

Gastrointestinal infections:  

Gastroenteritis is one familiar abdomen ailment that transpires in this climate. It is associated with mild symptoms if detected at the earliest. But if this health condition is neglected especially in children it can turn critical due to dehydration. Diarrhea is one of the extensively widespread health ailments during the monsoon season. Gastrointestinal infections occur due to consumption of undercooked or unhygienic food, or food made from contaminated water.

 Some symptoms of gastrointestinal infection include Low-grade fever. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, abdominal cramps, and pain. However, the ensuing fecal-oral spread of gastrointestinal pathogens may also render to G.I tract infections.

Rapid cue: 

  1. Avoid street foods during the rainy season
  2. Boil water before drinking it or using it for home-cooked food 
Respiratory infections

The sudden change in weather, causing fluctuations in temperature, is the main cause of cold and flu during the rainy season. During monsoons, the immune system weakens and becomes vulnerable to cough, cold, and flu. Some symptoms include Fever, myalgia, runny nose., Sneezing, fever depending on the pace of infection.

Rapid cue:

  1. Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing
  2. Drink warm water every few hours and carry your boiled drinking water
  3. Isolate children from sick people  and ensure they wash their hands and feet thoroughly once home from outdoors Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad.
  4. Ensure your homes are well-ventilated.
  5. Get vaccinated every year for Influenza.

Malaria is caused by Anopheles mosquitoes. It is the second most common ailment seen in India during the monsoon season. The commonest reason being water clogging in various areas. This stagnant and clogged water becomes the reason for breeding grounds for these mosquitoes. The symptoms include: Lethargy, High fever, body pain, Fever accompanied with chills, and .profuse Sweating.

Rapid cue:

  1. Apply mosquito repellent and don full-sleeved clothes while stepping out.
  2. Try to keep your home and surroundings mosquito-free.
  3. Stagnant waters are breeding homes for mosquitoes hence spill out collected water.

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection incited by Salmonella Typhi. Typhoid is highly infectious. This disease is usually prompted by contaminated food and water. Some symptoms include Prolonged high fever, Weakness, Abdominal Pain, diarrhea,  Headaches, Vomiting, Rashes. In a later stage, the patient may turn delirious and anorexic.

Rapid cue:

  1. Always boil water and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.
  2. Keep your foods wrapped at all times and avoid consumption of outside junk food.
  3. Maintain  personal and environmental hygiene is maintained at all times
  4. Ensure open drains and potholes in your locality are covered

Dengue is an infection caused by a virus. You can get it if an infected mosquito bites you especially the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Some symptoms include a high fever, rashes, Headache, decrease platelet count, body pains, myalgia, swollen lymph nodes, and arthralgia. The presence of fever, rash, and headache (the “dengue triad”) is characteristic of dengue fever. The acute phase of the illness with fever and muscle pain lasts about one to two weeks.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a distinct syndrome that tends to affects children under 10 years of age commonly but affects all groups. This complication of dengue causes abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding), and circulatory collapse (shock).

Rapid cue:

  1. The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue.
  2. Avoid visiting crowded places to curtail your risk of viral infections.

Chikungunya is caused by mosquitoes born in stagnated water. These mosquitoes are found in overhead tanks, coolers, plants, utensils, and water pipes. This disease is caused by tiger Aedes Albopictus. Some symptoms include acute joint pain.,High fever, Fatigue. , Chills. Other signs and symptoms may include fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and rash. Signs and symptoms of chikungunya usually appear within two to seven days after being nipped by an infected mosquito.

Rapid cue: 

  1. Use insect repellent Gastroenterologist in Kukatpally.
  2. Don clothes that cover your arms, legs, and feet
  3. Stay in places that retain air conditioning or that use window and door screens

We have covered all the common illnesses during monsoon season with preventive tips too. Stay hydrated, eat healthily and sleep adequately to avoid undue infections during the rainy season. Consult our team of experts and physicians at Prathima Hospitals soon as you observe the above symptoms.

In case of any emergency, Please call to 040 4345 4345 

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