Are You at Risk of Developing Kidney Disease?

reduce kidney diseases

Keeping your kidneys healthy is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Did you know that you could lose up to 90% of your kidney function before you experience symptoms? Most people are unaware that they have kidney disease until it is too late for treatment.


Your kidneys are mainly responsible for filtering blood and waste products from your body. Kidney disease is a condition where your kidneys filtering ability is damaged, and can consequently lead to fluid and waste products building up inside your body.

Keep your kidneys healthy starting today, and prevent kidney disease!


The main risk factors of kidney disease are diabetes (high blood sugar levels) and high blood pressure. You are also at a higher risk of developing kidney disease if you:

  • Are aged over 45
  • Are overweight or obese
  • Have a family history of kidney disease
  • Are a smoker
  • Are Alcoholic
  • Use of Pain medications

However, not having the above risk factors does NOT mean that you are not at risk! Anyone can  develop kidney disease, which is why early awareness and prevention is crucial.


 Symptoms that may indicate reduced kidney function include, and are not limited to:

  • Feeling tired
  • Changes in urine amount or colour
  • Swelling e.g., in ankles or legs
  • Pain in the kidney area
  • Loss weight

These symptoms are general and may be due to other illnesses or health conditions. It is important you see your doctor for a kidney health check if symptoms are present, especially if you have risk factors.


You can significantly reduce your risk of developing kidney disease, through simple lifestyle interventions. Some tips include to: Kidney Stones Treatment in Hyderabad.

  • Maintain good blood sugar levels, especially if you have diabetes.
  • Have good control of your blood pressure.
  • Maintain a healthy diet — reduce salt intake and swap soft drinks for water.
  • Do regular physical activity — ideally 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week
  • Smoking cessation
  • Limit alcohol intake — 2 standard drinks per day for men, and 1 standard drink per day for women

If detected and treated early, progression of and associated complications of kidney disease can be reduced. Tests for kidney health checks are relatively simple, and involve blood tests and urine tests to check for kidney function and any kidney damage. It is important to see your GP for routine kidney health checks if you are at increased risk of kidney disease. 

Prathima Hospitals Department of Nephrology offers the best nephrology services under one roof. Department is a pioneer in Renal Transplantation. Leading Nephrology doctors available round the clock for patient care. We are patient care centric and provides the best quality treatment management with full spectrum of services, Urologist in Hyderabad


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