Cardiovascular Diseases: Know the Risk Factors

cardiovascular diseases


Cardiovascular system diseases are one of the most common causes of death in India.


  • Age – RISK increases as age of the individual increases
  • Gender – Before age of 60 the men are at greater risk
  • Family History – there is a chance of increased risk if a close blood relative has a history of early heart disease.


  1. Raised or altered levels of Blood Cholesterol  in the circulatory blood system can deposit  on arterial walls  and narrow them producing   less blood supply  to  heart muscles,  weakening the system  in turn which  may lead to the   heart    Cholesterol lowering diet and medications are required in such a situation to lower the risk
  2. Raised Triglycerides and Low HDL  Cholesterol  These can cause premature heart disease in a person. Weight reducing activity like regular  exercise   will help to avoid the risk
  3. High Blood Pressure Maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping the alcohol intake in moderate propositions, reducing salt intake in the diet, reduce stress and be physically active.  If these are failed, take regular medications under doctor’s guidance
  4. Diabetes these patients have low HDL  and high LDL/VLDL  which is highly atherogenic thus increasing the risk of heart disease in them.
  5. Obesity Increases Blood Pressure, diabetes, and Cholesterol which contribute to the heart disease. Reduce saturated fats, sugars, alcohol and increase physical activity to reduce weight to lower the risk.
  6. Physical Inactivity At least  150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week is recommended. This reduces weight,  BP  and Waist Circumference. 
  7. Smoking Even few cigarettes a day increases the risk of Heart disease. Stopping it reduces the risk of heart attack by 50% in five years.
  8. Stress  Can exacerbate symptoms of preexisting heart disease and increase B.P.   Simple breathing exercises, sports, reading, meditation, hobbies etc., may reduce the stress.
  9. Alcohol  Heavy consumption can increase BP, damaged the heart muscle, by increasing weight and triglycerides.

Recommended safe levels

1. Men -3-4  units  per day

2. Women 2-3 units per day

3. Avoid binge drinking and have few alcohols free days every week.



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