Heart Conditions That Are Most Commonly Encountered!

Common Heart Conditions | Cardiologist in Hyderabad

Common Heart Conditions

Heart disease is a broad term that refers to a variety of heart illnesses and issues. The best course of action is to talk to your doctor or a heart expert about your situation. They can provide you with advice on the proper diagnosis, name of your disease, and course of action.

The heart’s capacity to function effectively is impacted by heart disease and other diseases. Being told you have a heart issue can be unsettling and perplexing, but there is a wealth of knowledge and assistance accessible to you. Sometimes being aware of what’s going on might make you feel less anxious. For such information related to complete cardiac care Prathima hospitals is the best cardiology hospital in Hyderabad. Early detection of heart problems is possible with the cardiac check-up package. In addition, it may help establish the accurate diagnosis of common heart conditions to prevent consult Cardiologist in Hyderabad.

Cardiovascular Disease – Cardiologist in Hyderabad

According to Indian statistics, coronary heart diseases are the most prevalent kind of heart diseases. When the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart, constrict or obstruct, the heart is unable to get adequate oxygen and nutrients.

Causes of Cardiovascular Disease:

You may be more likely to develop cardiovascular disease if you have certain risk factors:

  • Increased blood pressure (hypertension).
  • High Cholesterol
  • Tobacco usage (including vaping).
  • Diabetes type 2.
  • Heart disease in the family history
  • Absence of exercise.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • a salty, sugary, and high-fat diet.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Usage of illegal or prescribed drugs.
  • Pregnancy diabetes
  • Allergic or inflammatory diseases that persist.
  • Chronic renal disease


Angina is a pain or discomfort that develops in the chest, arm, neck, stomach, or jaw as a result of a restriction in the blood flow to the heart caused by a narrowing of the arteries. This blockage is known medically as an atheroma. As a symptom of coronary heart disease, angina is not a disease in and of itself. When you are stressed or engaged in a demanding activity, your heart will give you angina as a warning that it is not receiving enough oxygen. The ability to predict how much exertion will trigger an angina episode is known as stable angina. Consult a heart specialist in kukatpally, right away if you are experiencing inexplicable chest discomfort since you need to get your general health evaluated with best doctors or Cardiologist.

Causes of Angina

Heart illness causes the heart’s blood supply to be inadequate, which results in angina. The heart doesn’t receive adequate oxygen if there isn’t enough blood. The chest discomfort results from this.

Angina can be brought on by:

  • Physical activity
  • very high temperatures (either hot or cold)
  • large meals
  • smoking and drinking

Inconsistent Angina

Undiagnosed chest discomfort or rapid deterioration of angina can also be signs of unstable angina. Angina attacks occur more frequently and with decreasing amounts of exercise when the blood flow to the heart is severely constrained.

Even if you are at rest, these attacks might awaken you from a nap. They may last for as long as ten minutes.

You need to visit your doctor right away, and you could be sent to the hospital.

This is commonly referred to as Acute Coronary Syndrome until further testing confirms the diagnosis (ACS).

What causes unstable angina?

Atherosclerosis occurs when plaque (a buildup of cholesterol and fat) blocks the flow of blood through your arteries. As a result, coronary artery disease develops, the main reason for unstable angina.

  • A high cholesterol level
  • Avoiding exercise.
  • High Blood pressure
  • Being a senior citizen.
  • Having a family history of early heart disease.
  • A diabetes diagnosis
  • Being overweight

Heart Attack

If the heart’s pumping function is inefficient, your heart muscle won’t be able to supply your body with the blood and oxygen it requires, which may result in a variety of symptoms, including weariness and shortness of breath. Because your heart is unable to function properly, this condition is known as heart failure for additional information on heart failure and related cardiological problems visit the best cardiologist in kukatpally, Prathima Hospitals.

Causes of Heart Attack:

The arteries’ hardening and constriction is the most frequent cause of restricted blood flow (atherosclerosis).

  • The accumulation of cholesterol plaque on an artery’s inner wall is known as atherosclerosis.
  • The arteries harden as a result of plaque accumulation.
  • The artery may thin or get clogged over time.
  • A plaque may potentially break open, causing the blood around it to clot.
  • Large blood clots have the potential to stop the artery from carrying blood to the heart, resulting in a heart attack.

A coronary artery spasm may potentially result in heart attacks.

  • A coronary artery temporarily constricts due to a spasm.
  • Blood flow via the artery might be stopped by tightness.
  • A life-threatening spasm can be brought on by several recreational substances.
  • The reasons for spasms are frequently unknown.

 Heart Failure

If the heart’s pumping function is inefficient, your heart muscle won’t be able to supply your body with the blood and oxygen it requires, which may result in a variety of symptoms, including weariness and shortness of breath. Because your heart is unable to function properly, this condition is known as heart failure.

Causes of Heart Failure:

There are several underlying reasons or risk factors for heart failure. The most frequent are coronary artery disease and injury to the heart muscle brought on by a heart attack (myocardial infarction). High blood pressure is yet another typical factor in heart failure (hypertension).

Additional factors include:

  • heart valves that are excessively small or leaky and aren’t functioning correctly (heart valve disease)
  • Infection linked to congenital heart dysfunction that causes heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis)
  • Unknown cardiac muscle illness results in abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia)
  • additional health issues such thyroid issues or anaemia

Arrhythmia (abnormal cardiac rhythms)

The electrical system in the heart muscle contributes to the heartbeat’s stimulation. Your heart may beat abnormally (bradycardia), too fast (tachycardia), or too slowly (bradycardia) if the electrical signals inside it are disrupted or messed up. Arrhythmia is the term for this.

Arrhythmias may result from:

  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Heart tissue that is irritable (due to genetic or acquired causes).
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • The cardiac muscle changes (cardiomyopathy).
  • Valve issues.
  • Abnormalities in sodium or potassium levels of electrolytes in your blood.
  • Damage caused by a heart attack.
  • The recovery period following cardiac surgery.

 Valvular Disease

To control the blood flow through the heart, the valves open and close. Having valve issues can make your heart work harder and strain the heart muscle, which can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Tiredness with enlarged ankles
  • A chest ache (angina or palpitations)
  • Nausea or fainting

Causes of Valvular Disease:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • heart attack-induced heart muscle damage
  • additional heart muscle problems (cardiomyopathy)
  • metabolic conditions such as elevated blood cholesterol
  • heart-related tumour
  • Certain medicines.

High Blood Pressure:

The heart can also be impacted by hypertension, sometimes known as high blood pressure. Although hypertension is not a disease in and of itself, it can raise the chance of contracting severe diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cardiac arrest, and strokes.

Causes of High Blood Pressure:

Although the specific causes of high blood pressure are unknown, several factors, such as:

  • Smoking
  • Being fat or overweight
  • Absence of exercise
  • Overconsumption of alcohol and/or too much salt in the diet (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
  • Stress
  • Greater age
  • Genetics
  • Having high blood pressure in the family
  • long-term kidney disease
  • Thyroid and adrenal issues
  • Sleep apnea

Congenital heart Defects

When a growing fetus’s heart exhibits an anomaly or defect while still inside the mother’s womb, it is said to have congenital heart problems. One birth defect or numerous birth defects are both possible. Some congenital cardiac problems pose a threat to the newborn’s life right away or over time to know more about those Congenital heart defects visit Cardiology hospital in kachiguda, Prathima Hospitals.

Causes of Heart defects that are Congenital:

Congenital cardiac disease frequently has no recognized origin.

Known causes consist of:

  • the fetus being exposed to maternal diseases like diabetes
  • fever infections, German measles (rubella), and a difficulty
  • pregnancy-related amino acid metabolism (phenylketonuria
  • Use of tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs when pregnant
  • certain medicinal medications (thalidomide)
  • environmental elements include pesticides, air pollution, and prolonged heat waves
  • certain chromosomal abnormalities and inherited genetic disorders

Heart Diseases That are Inherited

Family members might pass on inherited conditions to their descendants. They are frequently referred to as inherited or ancestral cardiac disorders.

They can be fatal and can impact persons of any age. When someone passes away abruptly and without a clear cause, this is frequently the first indication that there is a problem consult Best Cardiology Hospital in Hyderabad to avoid major heart problems.

Although some congenital heart problems can also be inherited, these disorders are distinct from the majority of congenital heart conditions.

It causes because of Family history:

It’s crucial to create a medical family tree with the right medical expert. This might assist in “create a picture” of your family to determine whether you currently have any members who have the same disease. A pedigree is another name for the family tree.

Prathima Hospital is one of the best Cardiology hospital in Telangana for Heart checkup contact Cardiologists in Hyderabad.

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