5 Morning Healthy Habits to Stay Fit

healthy morning habits to follow

Morning routines set a tone for your upcoming day. And of all the various things you take up to improve your productivity, a morning routine is one of the most effective.

Let’s look into few morning routines, which leave a great impact on overall productivity. While it’s good to have big goals, make your morning habits as simple as possible which will have a bigger impact on your life, because you’ll do them consistently.

1. Plan your day :

Mental rehearsal is a key strategy to ensure efficiency in performance. By imagining each movement vividly, you can perform better under pressure when you face the actual situation.

Planning out your day first thing in the morning ensures you fix targets and work towards achieving them. Don’t just jot down some to-do items, but actually focus on working on them. What will be the pros and cons? Where do you have to put in more efforts in your schedule? What will you need to focus on? How realistic your targets are?

Doing this planning first thing in the morning can be an effective way to prime your day for success.

2. Meditation, Yoga and Mindfulness :  

Meditation allows your mind to wake up without strain and ensure you’re fully awake. It does everything from improving your focus to reducing stress, improving cognitive ability, emotional stability, and preventing common health ailments. You can start simply by focusing on your breath for few minutes each morning, and build from there. Once you see yourself progressing, try different postures of meditation and yoga.

Whatever you do, do it with mindfulness, fully feel the peace and serenity of the morning and find solace in the silence. Silence can be a very nourishing and empowering experience to ensure longevity and productivity.

Taking few minutes to do a few yoga poses will allow you to connect your mind, body, and breath in preparation for the day that’s ahead.

3. Physical Exercise :

Exercise can keep you alert and mentally functioning at your prime, when caffeine may only be able to slightly prolong your later-day crash. Make sure you go out and move, stretch your body.
Performing a morning stretching routine will help you to loosen your muscles after sleeping, while increasing blood flow to your muscles.

4. Think of something positive & express gratitude:

As soon as you wake up, smile and be grateful for the new day. When you smile and think of positive things, your body releases the feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine and endorphins. This means that the first thing when you wake up you’ll be starting your day in a better mood.

Additionally, when you smile your mood is further lifted by the release of serotonin. This strengthens the immune system, ensuring good mental and physical health.

5. A Healthy Breakfast :

As the popular saying goes, “Breakfast in the most important meal of the day.” Make sure to have a healthy and balanced breakfast. This will help you remain focused throughout the day.


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