Best Sleeping Positions For a Good Sleep

best sleeping positions for a good sleep

There are several ways of sleeping and everyone sleeps in their way. It is so because everyone feels comfortable in different positions. There are so many positions by which you can take a sound sleep. Here you will get to know about many positions you can acquire whichever would be comfortable for you. There are different benefits of different positions. If you are suffering from any neck/Spine problems, then it must be a sign that you must change your sleeping position. It may provide you relief from pain and helps you sleep better. So, whenever you observe a pain/strain, give it a try of changing your sleeping position. One may not feel comfortable by changing their sleep position, but in the long run, it can make you feel relieved and comfortable. For good benefits, you must do it for a long period so that you can observe changes.

It takes some time to replace your old sleeping position, but later on, it will be worth it as it makes you fall asleep with comfort. Changing sleeping positions can be like the secret code of improving your sleeping. You must sleep in a comfort zone which means you should sleep only in those positions in which you feel at ease. You can change your sleeping position to your favorite sleep position.
You may suffer from back/neck/spine pain if you are following the wrong sleeping position. Some sleeping positions can put pressure on the hips, back, and neck.

Different Sleeping Positions

Sleeping on the back with knee support

This sleeping position is generally followed most for a healthy back. It is generally acquired by the people for a healthy back. If you acquire this position of sleeping then it distributes the weight to the most important surface of the body with full strength. This sleeping position can provide you the proper alignment of the head, neck, and spine. For extra comfort and support, you can place a small pillow under your knees which can help in maintaining the natural curve of your spine.

Pillow between the knees while you sleep side

Most people used to sleep by lying on the side because people feel more comfortable. This is one of the popular positions among all. The lower back can be strained by this position. If you are sleeping on your side then you can place a pillow between the knees. One can easily fix this. If you acquire this position then it can help in raising the upper leg. It restores the natural alignment of the hips and spine.

Fatal Position Sleeping

Most of the people with herniated disks use to sleep in a curled fetal position to get relief in the night. It is so because when you sleep in such a position then the bending of the spine is reduced by the chest and as result, it helps in opening the joints.

Keeping the pillow under the stomach while sleeping

It may be that you feel comfortable sleeping in this position but it is the worst sleeping posture. When you lie in front of the body then it harms your body. If you are getting problems in acquiring other positions then you should take a thin pillow under your stomach. This position can be helpful for those who are suffering from disk disease like herniated or degenerative.

Sleeping on the front with the head face down

As we discussed above, lying in front is a bad position. So there is also another reason as we sleep on one side only by turning our head. Sleeping in this position can put additional stress on some parts of the body like the neck, shoulders, and back. So you should avoid this position while sleeping. You can do one thing as you can take a small and firm pillow or you can take a tightly rolled towel to prop up the forehead. You can take the pillow under your stomach to get more relief.

Sleeping in a reclined position on the back

This position can help you recover from lower back pain. This can be the best for those who are suffering from isthmic spondylolisthesis. You can get relief from this position by resting on a reclined chair. If you can’t change your position then you can invest in an adjustable bed. This can be good for you because the bed will be positioned accordingly for you.

Sleeping Hygiene

If you have back pain then you can be caused some sleep disturbances. One should not sleep late because it is harmful. So you must avoid sleeping late at night. One must have a schedule of bedtime and wake-up times. Generally, an adult should take between 7 and 9 hours of sleep in a day. If you take this much sleep then it will make your body refresh all time.

Follow these tips for sleep hygiene which includes:

  • One should avoid stimulants like caffeine at night
  • Avoid some weightage exercise at the bedtime
  • One should wind down before bedtime by reading, listening to a piece of relaxing music, taking a warm bath, or doing a gentle yoga
  • You must make your room a relaxed environment which can be done by dimming the lights.
  • Remove distractions which include TVs, computers, Mobile phones, etc.

Best Sleeping Position during Pregnancy

As we know that in pregnancy, there is a need for more safety in everything which includes sleeping, eating, etc. In pregnancy, one should take asleep on the side. So it cannot pressure her stomach. In research, it was come out that sleeping on the left side from 20 weeks on, can be a good position because it affects positively the flow of blood to the fetus. It was seen that most of the women like to sleep flat on the back but it is not a good position for pregnant women. It may be dangerous while pregnancy as it is a risk factor for stillbirth. It can be dangerous still 28 weeks post-pregnancy. One should not take a sleeping position for granted during the pregnancy period.
In pregnancy, one should increase one sleeping time. It means one should take more sleep than earlier. If one does it then it helps in maintaining pregnancy while hormones are required. Normally, it is observed that at pregnancy time, women feel back pain, nausea, excessive urination at night, and heartburn. It all happens to her at the time of sleeping. Sleeping disorders can be harmful to pregnant women. So one must sleep in a good position so that she can produce their child safely.

In what way Sleeping position affects your health?

Generally, in adults, it is found that they sleep as they want without getting to know about the good sleeping position. One must follow the good position otherwise it can be harmful to your health. It should be included in your schedule. You will find that every researcher and doctor talk about the sleeping position and they recommend a good position because it is the most important thing to sustain a healthy life. There can be arisen different positions like sleep apnea, back pain, snoring, and other medical conditions if you sleep on your stomach or backside. So, you must go with a good sleeping position because it is the main cause of many diseases or problems.


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