Stroke – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

stroke causes symptoms and treatment options


Stroke is defined as an abrupt onset of a neurological defect due to a focal vascular cause leading to paralysis of one upper limb and one lower limb.

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and a major cause of disability.

What are the symptoms of stroke

  1. Loss of motor or sensory function
  2. Change in vision
  3. change in gout
  4. difficulty to speak or understand speech
  5. sudden severe headache

Recognizing the signs of stroke can save a life. As a stroke can happen suddenly it required immediate action.

Every minute is critical until the stroke is diagnosed and treated. As millions of neurons die every minute after the stroke onset and these neurons cannot be restored. Neurologist in Hyderabad.

What to do when a patient is having a stroke.

  1. Call for an ambulance
  2. help the patient to lie down
  3. keep the patient on their side with head slightly elevated to promote blood flow to the brain
  4. loosen any restrictive clothing
  5. If the patient has fallen and incurred head or neck trauma stabilize the neck with a colon in case there is a spinal cord injury.
  • Note down the time of symptoms onset. This will help the doctors determine the appropriate treatment.
  • If the patient has HTN/DM and is on medication or certain drug allergies share this information with the emergency team.
  • do not give anything to eat or drink.

what age group are at risk for stroke

  • Age > 50years
  • Men are affected than women

What are the risk factors for stroke?

  1. Hypertension
  2. Diabetes Mellitus
  3. Smoking
  4. Hyperlipidemia
  5. Alcohol
  6. Heart Disease / Heart Stroke
  7. Birth Control pills in young females
Stroke is of two types
  1. Ischemic – Blood vessel blocked by the thrombus
  2. Hemorrhagic – Blood Vessel Ruptured

What is the Golden Hour

When the patient reaches to the hospital, within 3 to 4 hours after the onset of symptoms.

The Management of Stroke will be Optimum With Maximum recovery

Hospital stay minimized and less disability

What should be done after diagnosis and treatment for stroke

  • Physiotherapy
  • To Keep good control of hypertension and diabetes by regular medications
  • Regular check-ups
  • Regular exercises within individual limits
  • Stop smoking of alcohol
  • limit stress
  • stay positive

Following a stroke patient has an increased risk of a second stroke compared to the general population.

Recovery is maximal in the first few weeks functional gains (Increases mobility) may be obtained with rehabilitation therapy after several months.

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